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Andrew Williams is a carver of argillite, silver and gold as well as a graphic designer. He is part of the Raven clan in the Old Masset on Haida Gwaii. His work is a blend of traditional and contemporary art and shows his passion for his Haida Ancestory and the "old stories".

Andrew William's crests include Raven, Shark, Killerwhale, Grizzly, and Raven-Finned Killerwhale. He is self-taught, and has been carving since 1995. In June of 1999, Andrew took a shaping course with Haida carver Gary Minaker-Russ through the First Peoples Cultural Foundation Grant. Andrew's influences are Haida artists Christian White and Terry Yeltazie for their inlay work, and Gary Minaker-Russ for his polishing technique and form. In 2009, Andy graduated from Vancouver's Northwest Coast Jewellery Arts program under established Kwakwaka'wakw/Haida artist Dan Wallace.

Andrew Williams as artist is not active on social media and does not have a website.

For sources go here.